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Has your cardio-addiction held you back in the past? That does not mean that a short HIIT training after an RT workout will do the same, does it? |
Based upon previous studies utilizing low-intensity cycling as well as acute studies investigating molecular pathways it was hypothesized that high-intensity interval cycling performed immediately after resistance training would not hinder muscle strength and hypertrophy but would negatively affect the rate of force development. So, no effect on muscle but on strength gains.
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"One group of participants (RE, n = 11) performed resistance training only and the other group (REC, n = 11) performed the same resistance training but each session was followed by high-intensity interval cycling. [...] Training was performed two times per week for 8 weeks. Warm-up was the same for both training groups and included 5-min cycling at 50–75 W, lower body muscle stretching and 2 sets 9 - 10 repetitions of three exercises for the trunk (abdominal crunches, lateral crunches, dorsal raises) aiming to strengthen the lumbar spine area for injury prevention. The inclined leg press (45° angle) and the half-squat (knee angle 90°) Smith machine were used for the strength training of the lower extremities. The RE group performed four sets of 6-RM for each exercise (Zaras et al., 2014; approximately 85% of 1-RM: 220 14 kg and 127 +/- 7 kg in leg press and in halfsquat, respectively). In the first week, the training load was set at 80% of 6-RM (176 +/- 11 kg and 102 +/- 6 kg in leg press and half-squat, respectively). Thereafter, the resistance training load was set at 6-RM and it was increased by 2.0–2.5% in every training session so as to maintain at 6-RM until the last week of training intervention" (Tsitkanou. 2016).Unlike the previously described resistance training protocol with rest periods of 3 minutes and between sets and 5 minutes between exercises, HIIT cycling was performed only by the subjects in the REC group. 10 minutes after the completion of the resistance exercises, the participants performed 10 sets of 60-s duration on a stationary bicycle with 100% of maximal aerobic power and 55–60 revolutions/min. The cycling workload was being increased (~2%) in every training session. The passive recovery between sets was static and amounted to 60 s.
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Figure 1: Δ Physical performance (%) before and after the training period; *: p < 0.05, §: p < 0.001 (Tsitkanou. 2016). |
compared to RE," the authors argue and are probably right: it is very unlikely that those 50kcal would have a sign. effect on the lean mass and/or strength gains.
What the data in Figure 1 does tell you, however, is that there was a non-significant effect of the training type; albeit with a practically hardly relevant "advantage" for either of the workout protocols. If anything you may argue that the increase in maximal aerobic power of the subjects in the REC group, though it's likewise not statistically significant compared to the RE group, provides evidence of potentially relevant training benefits that would be confirmed by the significant improvements in heart rate at four submaximal workloads you can see in Figure 2.
Since the type of training didn't affect the fiber composition of the subjects, either (both groups seeing similar increases in Type IIA and IIX - without sign. inter-group differences), the study at does indeed confirmed the authors' research hypothesis: "[H]igh-intensity interval cycling performed immediately after lower body resistance training did not inhibit muscle hypertrophy induced by chronic resistance training, in moderately trained individuals" (Tsitkanou. 2016). In fact, the additional increase in muscle capillarization and previously discussed beneficial effects on conditioning would even argue in favor of doing HIIT after every workout if...
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A study by Kazior, et al. found sign. increases in muscle anabolism with "cardio" before resistance training.,For both studies it may be an important that we are dealing with cycling, not sprinting in the study at hand. After all, a recent review suggests cycling is the least likely to affect your gains (Murach. 2016). |
Furthermore, the existing non-significant inter-group differences may accumulate over time with both the small decrements in strength and size gains having the potential to achieve statistical significance after another 8 weeks - previous studies, such as Häkkinen, et al. 2003, appear to confirm just that.
In their 21-week, study the scientists came close to a sign. difference with larger increases in the CSA of all muscle fiber types in response to strength training per se (I: 46%, IIA: 26%, IIX: 39%) compared with concurrent training (I: 13%, IIA: 23%, IIX: 31%). On the other hand, there are studies like Kazior et al (2016) that seem to provide reliable evidence of an increased muscle anabolic response - albeit with "pre-lifting" cardio training which, in turn, could make a significant difference to the "post-lifting" cardio applied in the study at hand. And then, there's the lack of data on upper body muscles and different types of cardio... ah, so many things we still don't know
Eventually, the best advice I can give you is thus still: try it, judge if it appears to impair your performance and recovery, evaluate your training logs every two weeks and - if possible - do your "cardio" on separate days, anyway | Comment on Facebook!
- Bijker, K., G. De Groot, and A. Hollander. "Differences in leg muscle activity during running and cycling in humans." European journal of applied physiology 87.6 (2002): 556-561.
- Häkkinen, K., et al. "Neuromuscular adaptations during concurrent strength and endurance training versus strength training." European journal of applied physiology 89.1 (2003): 42-52.
- Kazior, Zuzanna, et al. "Endurance Exercise Enhances the Effect of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Size and Protein Expression of Akt and mTOR." PloS one 11.2 (2016): e0149082.
- Murach, Kevin A., and James R. Bagley. "Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy with Concurrent Exercise Training: Contrary Evidence for an Interference Effect." Sports Medicine (2016): 1-11.
- Tsitkanou, S., et al. "Effects of high‐intensity interval cycling performed after resistance training on muscle strength and hypertrophy." Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports (2016).