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ADF vs. continuous dieting in overweight/obese women: ADF marginally faster, about identically satiatin' but not per se 'superior' |
Learn more about fasting at the SuppVersity
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Figure 1: My plot of the self-reported (baseline and final week of intervention) and prescribed (final week of intervention) energy as well as the relative difference between baseline and end-of-intervention energy intakes (in %) on top of the bars to give you a better idea of what the study protocol actually involved (data from Table 2 in Beaulieu 2020) |
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Figure 2: Schematic of the trial. Anthro, anthropometrics; Bfast, breakfast; BW, body weight; EBQ, eating behavior questionnaires; LFPQ, Leeds Food Preference Questionnaire; RMR, resting metabolic rate; SWA, SenseWear Armband; VAS, visual analogue scales for appetite ratings; WL, weight loss (Beaulieu 2020). |
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Is intermittent dieting the better form of dieting? Results are promising, but far from conclusive - even in 2018. Check my recent review article in the SuppVersity Archive's ADF-related articles. |
#ADF is also not new and, obviously, you can find a lot of information about it in the SuppVersity Archive at suppversity.com/search/label/ADF.
- -28% for a total deficit per week of -3857 kcal/wk in those who reduced their intakes by cutting 551kcal/d every day (CIE), by
- -67% on the fasting days and quite surprising -10% on the ad-libitum days of the IER group, on which the subjects were allowed to eat "ad-libitum", i.e. 'as much as they want' 😮
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From the archives: Study Suggests Superiority of Dieting With 2 Refeeds/Week vs. Continuous Dieting learn more! In essence a slightly similar approach to intermittent energy restriction, albeit one that's harder to handle than the every-other-day 'refeeds' on #ADF protocols. Another similar alternative: "Calorie Shifting (Refeeding) for Max. Fat Loss" in overweight women | read more! |
What's left to report in terms of results?
The satiety quotient which represents the "difference between the subjective ratings of motivation to eat before and after a meal by the ingested energy intake during the eating episode" (learn more) remained unchanged and was similar in both groups. This observation is in line with the identical improvements in dietary restraint, craving control, as well as the susceptibility to hunger, and binge Eating (P < 0.001).
So, everything was the same in both groups? Not exactly: The self-selected meal size decreased after the ≥5 % reduction in CER (P = 0.03) but not in IER (P = 0.19). In other words, the subjects' perception of what's a normal meal size improved significantly only when they weren't allowed to serve as much as they wanted every other day - just like almost all other changes, there was yet no significant inter-group for this 'learning effect', either.
The latter are not a result of fasting's often proposed (and non-validated) metabolic advantage (aka magic, REE remained the same in both groups), though, but rather due to the increased overall energy deficit: from the targeted 25% and the already augmented 28% in the CER group to a whopping -39% in the IER/ADF group that took place unwittingly/automatically and may even have been larger in the 'biggest losers', i.e. those who did very well with the IER/ADF diet.
Those who didn't do well with this form of dieting, though, were according to the FT of the study, not just more likely to overeat on the feed days, they also tended to introduce cheat days and ended up in the group of those who failed to lose the ≥5% within the 12-week period or dropped out (N=6 vs. N=3 in IER vs. CER).
So, if you know you're going to fall off the wagon on days with a deficit of ~75% or overboard on the ad-libitum dieting / (re-)feed days: Don't try the IER/ADF approach. If, on the other hand, you're like many of the subjects at hand and are so happy that you can eat 'as much as you want' every other day and thus able to 'keep your shit together' or even stay in a marginal deficit (here 10%) on the feeding days, go for it... ah, intermittent energy restriction (#IER) in form of alternate day fasting (#ADF) it's likely you see benefits, even if those are small | Discuss the study on Facebook!
- Beaulieu, Kristine, et al. "Matched Weight Loss Through Intermittent or Continuous Energy Restriction Does Not Lead To Compensatory Increases in Appetite and Eating Behavior in a Randomized Controlled Trial in Women with Overweight and Obesity." The Journal of Nutrition 150.3 (2020): 623-633.