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Do you have to train like a woman (whatever that may be), Ladies, if you want to develop the cover model physique Orit Tsaitlin already has? |
It's not just that the mantra, "Nutrition Strategy and Body Transformation - Where Fitness and Science meet", on the frontpage of Orit's website that sounds pretty similar to the SuppVersity slogan "Where Bro- & Proscience Unite in the Spirit of True Wisdom", but also some of Orit's post on the SuppVersity Facebook Page, as well as a couple of short chats we had that inspired me to do a short interview with her. An interview that revolves around the useful- or rather uselessness of the average fitness magazine and the nuanced differences between training and nutrition principles for men and women.
By using HIIT you can achieve similar results as in the study at hand
A: Its actually quite amusing to read the articles in fitness magazines… Since I was 18 years old (now 32), nothing has changed, I believe. The same content, pictures of beautiful bodies and nothing really helpful to the the average person who only wants a simple roadmap to finally feel and look good. If I could be an editor of Fitness Mag (sorry, when I will be - determined yes?) I would put a lot more emphasis on how much work, nutritional discipline and sacrifice those athletes in the pictures are making to achieve their looks and performance.
And let's not forget the paradoxical advice "The body needs protein which is in fish, chicken, meat... so buy our BCAA".
As a trainer and sports nutritionist, I emphasize that people must stop train their eyes, ears and need to start listen to their body's signals and to train the most important things to reach the body transformation results - will-power and consistency.
Q: Speaking of fitness and lifestyle magazines. If I look at the women's magazines, I cannot avoid the impression that the previously mentioned fitness and lifestyle magazines for men are still a comparatively good source of information.Why do you think, women's magazines are still perpetuating long overcome ideas of the ways women have to train?
A: I agree with you that there are some men's fitness magazines that you can find good information regarding training techniques from which both genders can learn.
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SuppVersity Facebook News: Looking good naked provides greater incentive for healthy eating (increasing fruit and vegetable intake) than health improvements; the same goes for the headlines of fitness mag articles | learn more. |
I mean most of us don’t have the patience to wait for things to happen in their own pace. Women fitness magazines know this and are doing a great job in translating it to money. My point is that articles with the headers like ‘’10 min to your best body” , “15 min to see those abs” or “1 month squat challenge’’ will definitely reach the women audience.
In contrast to really relevant articles with headlines such as "The correct deadlift form" or "The importance of progressive overload", which don’t sell perfect and easy body fantasy probably won’t make it to the woman reading list. In this industry each trainer, athlete or nutritionist knows what it takes to get to the top or, maybe, not to the top, but to get meaningful results and as soon the audience will understand that there are no shortcuts to any place worth going, the women fitness mag will start give a proper stage to the right articles with a more meaningful content regarding exercise and nutrition. Until then I’m going to make 80 squats per day for one month which will give me the J.LO. booty.
Q: Is there a top 5 of "false believes" your female clients have? If so what are they and in how far are they holding them back from making the progress they deserve?
A: There certainly is, and although the order may vary from individual to individual, this is what I see / hear the most:
- The weekends are off from good food choices and quantities - The weekends are meant for relaxation and other activities, except from working. If you want to achieve those results in matter of months and not years, stop making 48 hours food celebrations...those can cancel all the progress that was made through the week.
- If they ate more than usual they can burn it in exercise - If you ate more than you should, the only thing that you can do about it is to take responsibility and learn from that experience for the next day.
- Three months transformations are for everyone - No! Those are for people who are already training with weights, have average body fat % and have healthy relationship with food.
- The "I want her body"-mindset’- If you want her body start working like her in the gym and in nutrition department the other 23 hours. I promise you she doesn’t spend a moment of her time on things that don’t matter.
Q: Would you agree, when I say "There are no fundamental differences between the ways men and women have to train to develop a cover-model physique?" This would obviously imply that there are nuances, where the training will differ. What would you say are these nuances?
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Read the SuppVersity review of sex-differences in fatty acid oxidation | more |
Which brings up another nuance that is related to "weak areas" and ideal proportions. I like to build my training programs with the goal to build the perfect proportions to the client, which are different, of course, between the genders.
Q: Speaking of cover model physique. You certainly have one. What would you say are the 10 pillars of your current nutrition and exercise regimen?
A: Thank you. I live by 4 rules which I call my 4elements4life. These elements are:
Nutrition - 80% of my nutrition is based on whole foods, with the 20% I go crazy - mainly with the croissant (-: and of course I know the right food quantities for my daily energy, PR’s setting and body fat levels.SuppVersity Suggested: Sean Casey's interview with Orit in the August-September CasePerformance Newsletter - Strength - I do my best in being strong in my training sessions 3-4 times per week at the gym and in the real life. Mental strength will beat everything.
- Determination - Life taught me always to get up after you fall, set the most ambitious goals and always look forward. If I don’t know something I will learn. If I’m not good at something I will ask for help and If I’m tired….I remind myself - Be determined!!!
- Change - Most of the things in my life I accomplished on my own. Nothing was easy, believe me, and to succeed I had to change my mindset, character and search for mental qualities that I didn’t knew I had. "Change your thoughts and you change the world"? 99% true. Because at the end of the day the only world that you need to change is your own.
Q: Is there anything you'd have to change if you were a guy (except from increasing your energy intake to feed the sex-dependent increase in lean mass)?
A: I would train with more emphasis on building lean mass in my quads - more isolation work in addition to the complex movements that I am already doing and may be more training volume in the Chest area. Other than that I’m sorry to tell you, but I train like other men...OMG So I will become a man soon?? (-:
Q: Last question, I promise ;-) Personally, I believe that people don't realize that the way they train and eat must adapt to the changes their body undergoes. Is this an idea you would subscribe to, and if so, what would you say are commonly overlooked tweaks both men and women have to make to their diet and exercise regimen as they progress from chubby slob to fitness maniac?
A: In my personal and professional experience, as the body goes through physical transformation there are stages. In each stage, which is very individual, you must adapt the nutrition and the exercise regimen. I don’t talk about changing programs every week, but when you see that something stopped working or not working as you want it to be, ask yourself what happened?
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If you are successful (e.g. with losing weight) your body, dietary & exercise requirements and your goals will change. Sticking to the same approach "forever" would thus be madness | learn more |
It is not easy to continue when you reach a plateau and it is hard to trust another person (nutritionist or trainer) who tells you to be patient and trust the process.
Trust the process and most important - remember to enjoy the journey. Do not go to the gym in the mindset to lose weight, do not eat food and think this will burn my fat faster. The secret to success is doing those things consistently each day and really give all you got. When you will finally have realized that the only person that you have to prove something to is you, you are ready to develop the physique of a cover model and the mentality of warrior.
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Don't send marriage proposals, guys. As far as I know Orit is already spoken for ;-) Which obviously doesn't mean that you cannot benefit from her advise on training and nutrition. |
If that's you, and you've decided you want to make a change, this would be a good reason to reach out to Orit Tsaitlin with your questions. You can do so by either posting short questions on facebook for me or Orit to answer them; or you can contact Orit directly @ 4elements4life | Nutrition Strategy and Body Transformation.
- Appleton KM. "Increased fruit selection and consumption following an appearance-based vs a health-based health promotion poster." Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 73, E58 (2014). doi:10.1017/S0029665114000871.
- Cook TM, Russell JM, Barker ME. Dietary advice for muscularity, leanness and weight control in Men's Health magazine: a content analysis. BMC Public Health. 2014 Oct 11;14(1):1062. [Epub ahead of print]
- Elfhag, K., and S. Rössner. "Who succeeds in maintaining weight loss? A conceptual review of factors associated with weight loss maintenance and weight regain." Obesity reviews 6.1 (2005): 67-85.