The kids who were the subjects in the study at hand didn't lift. They ran and cycled and still ended up in a positive nitrogen balance - thanks to post-workout protein supplementation. |
In an upcoming issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology researchers from the Nestle Research Center are now about to publish what I believe is a unique study investigating the net protein balance (=synthesis minus breakdown) over 8h and 24h after the workout in response to the ingestion of different amounts of whey + casein (at a 1:4 ratio) immediately after a standardized running and cycling intervention (Moore. 2014)
You can learn more about protein intake at the SuppVersity
Figure 1: Graphical overview of the study design (Moore. 2014) |
Overview of the total energy and macronutrient intake (Moore. 2014) |
Aside from the energy and macronutrient profiles of the test beverages, the 24h controlled diets were supplied as isoenergetic breakfast and lunch meals (consumed within the laboratory providing ~11 and 40% of 24h energy intake, respectively) and dinner meals (consumed outside the laboratory providing ~35% of 24h energy intake) with the remaining ~14% of energy coming from the test beverages. The breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals were also isoprotein and provided ~15, 45, and 40% of the 24h food protein intake, respectively, with the test beverages providing a variable amount of protein in addition to the meal protein intake.
Figure 2: Protein breakdown, synthesis and net protein balance over 24h (Moore. 2014) |
Last but not least it may be important to mention that the total protein intake was (a) not extremely different between the three groups (see figure in "tight dietary control" box) and that (b) it was actually below the kids habitual protein intake of 1.56g/kg which would suggest that it is unlikely that some sort of accommodation effect may occur over time.
Nice, but what are the implications? Stick to your 30g post-workout whey protein shake. It's unlikely that this is less effective than a whey + casein combination as it was used in the study at hand if you make sure to follow your PWO shake up with a high protein meal (at least 10g of EAAs) within 2h after your workout. If you can't do that, I would rather add another 10g of casein on top of the 30g of whey - it's after all the leucine in whey that triggers the additional increase in protein synthesis after a workout.
Speaking of protein intake: Eventually we cannot say, though, what kind of protein we are talking about, here. As limited as the direct quantification of acute myofibrilar (or sarcoplasmic) protein synthesis may be, it has one major advantage over the method that was used in the study at hand: it is muscle specific.In contrast, measuring the nitrogen metabolites in the urine, which was the method of choice in the study at hand is not muscle-specific. If it wasn't for previous evidence from the previously criticized, but by no means useless studies that investigated the acute myofibrilar protein synthesis in response to exercise we could thus argue that the difference in net protein balance is due to the exercise induced protein loss in the liver (Millward. 1982) or the gastrointestinal tract (de Oliveira. 2009). The way it is, we can yet be more or less sure that most of the protein will have ended up in the muscle | Comment on Facebook!
- de Oliveira, Erick Prado, and Roberto Carlos Burini. "The impact of physical exercise on the gastrointestinal tract." Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care 12.5 (2009): 533-538.
- Millward, DAVID J., et al. "Effect of exercise on protein metabolism in humans as explored with stable isotopes." Federation proceedings. Vol. 41. No. 10. 1982.
- Mitchell, Cameron J., et al. "Acute Post-Exercise Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Is Not Correlated with Resistance Training-Induced Muscle Hypertrophy in Young Men." PloS one 9.2 (2014): e89431.
- Moore et al. "Post-exercise protein ingestion increases whole body net protein balance in healthy children." J Appl Physiol (October 23, 2014). Article in press.