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learn why), the star among the dairy based health foods. Part of its beneficial effects are probably mediated by its ability to improve integrity of our digestive tracts and thus to prevent the influx of pro-inflammatory, obesogenic, and pro-atherogenic endotoxins into the bloodstream. With it being available for almost 10,000 years, yogurt is thus the first and oldest "functional food" to act on the recently discovered link between "leaky gut", obesity and cardiovascular disease (Lam. 2011).
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Figure 2: Proposed mechanisms by which yogurt consumption exerts beneficial health effects (Marette. 2015) |
The fact pertinent trials still show ambiguous results, when it comes to the effects of yogurt on body weight and composition (Chen. 2012) is mostly a results of the study designs which usually require subjects to simply increase their intake of dairy products, in general, or yogurt, in particular. As Taspell (2015) points out in a recent review this is a problem "if the energy content of the diet is not managed, particularly with high-fat varieties and with added ingredients such as sugar" (ibid). If it is managed, as in habitual consumers, though, high(er) yogurt intakes have been shown to be associated...
with higher scores for the Dietary Guidelines Adherence Index (DGAI) and higher intakes of key micronutrients, as well as significantly higher potassium and fiber intakes - two nutrients the average Westerner usually doesn't get enough of (Wang. 2013)Prevalent Nutrient Deficiencies in the US: More Than 40% are Vitamin A, C, D & E, Calcium or Magnesium Deficient and >90% Don't Get Enough Choline, Fiber & Potassium | read more - with reduced weight gain in a large US cohort study that tracked the food intake and weight development of 22 557 men and 98 320 women for four years; with R = -0.89 the correlation is similar to the one for the recommended amount of physical activity vs. being sedentary and thus nothing you should ignore as being practically irrelevant
- with reduced inflammation as measured by C-reactive protein, IL-6 and TNF-a in the ATTICA study that involved 3042 healthy Greek adults for whom only 8 servings of dairy products, in general (full fat and low fat!), were linked with already significant reductions in inflammation; since a greater proportion of the cohort reported consumption of fermented dairy foods such as feta cheese (93%), hard yellow cheese (92%) and low-fat yogurt (50%) compared to low-fat milk (46%), we can yet safely assume that many of these anti-inflammatory benefits were actually due to fermented dairy products
- with reduced type II diabetes risk (-12% or both yogurt and cheese) in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-InterAct Study (Sluijs. 2012);
with 28% reduced diabetes risk the results of the EPIC-Norfolk cohort study in the UK were even more impressive (O’Connor. 2014); as you can see in Table 1 the results of this study do yet also underline that the benefits will occur only if yogurt replaces other, less healthier ingredients of ones diet.Table 1: HRs for risk of type 2 diabetes associated with the substitution of yoghurt (137 ga) for snacks and desserts: EPIC-Norfolk study (n=4,127 | O'Connor. 2014)
Other studies detected significantly lower common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT) in older, female Australian yogurt enthusiasts who consumed only 100g of common yogurt per day (CCA-IMTadj = -0.023 mm, P< 0·003 | Ivey. 2011). And as far as cheeses are concerned evidence from studies like Struijk et al. (2013) which found significant negative associations between cheese intake and the 2h-post prandial glucose levels, a marker that's highly predictive of one's future diabetes risk (Struijk. 2013) and a much better indicator of diabetes-related CVD risk than fasting glucose (Lithell. 2001), would suggest that the existing link between higher cheese intakes and diabetes may be mediated by the complex food matrices in which cheese appears in the Western diet: Cheeseburger, pizza, etc. In the standard Western diet, cheese is always added on top of other (usual junk) foods, which is much in contrast to the way it is consumed in the initially reference Mediterranean diet.
Kids who drink more milk, tend to be leaner... and that despite (?) the fact that this stuff comes out of an animal and is full of bad cholesterol and fat - outrageous? Not exactly... more! |
For certain parts of the population (like people with high cholesterol, for example), certain starter cultures may yet have sign. advantages - which of the various currently available cultures will have the greatest health impact does yet still have to be elucidated. Next to the starter cultures, the protein content of the end product may be another important thing to keep in mind. Douglas et al. (2013), for example were able to show that Greek yogurt with 24g of protein per 250ml serving has a significantly higher satiety effect than yogurt with lower protein content.
Now this wouldn't be a SuppVersity article if it would rely exclusively on observational evidence. It is thus important to point out that Nestel's 2013 three-week crossover study comparing the effects of dairy foods categorized as low-fat (milk/yogurt), fermented (yogurt/cheese) or non-fermented (butter/cream/ice cream) confirmed that the concentrations of inflammatory markers like IL-6 were significantly lower on the fermented dairy diet than on the non-fermented dairy diet (P < 0.05).
Other researchers have been able to show that the consumption of a yogurt snack in the afternoon has potent beneficial effects on appetite control and eating initiation in healthy women (Ortinau. 2013; Douglas. 2013). Similar, yet in many cases more pronounced benefits have been observed in animal studies - studies that also indicate that yogurt exerts, next to its metabolic effects, direct inhibitory effects on colon cancer development and progression, too (de LeBlanc. 2004). All that doesn't negate the need for "[m]ore randomised controlled trials" but as Tapsell highlights in her recent review "the picture [which shows fermented dairy as a health food] is becoming clearer" (Tapsell. 2015).
Other researchers have been able to show that the consumption of a yogurt snack in the afternoon has potent beneficial effects on appetite control and eating initiation in healthy women (Ortinau. 2013; Douglas. 2013). Similar, yet in many cases more pronounced benefits have been observed in animal studies - studies that also indicate that yogurt exerts, next to its metabolic effects, direct inhibitory effects on colon cancer development and progression, too (de LeBlanc. 2004). All that doesn't negate the need for "[m]ore randomised controlled trials" but as Tapsell highlights in her recent review "the picture [which shows fermented dairy as a health food] is becoming clearer" (Tapsell. 2015).
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Probiotics Inhibit Ill-Health Effects of 7-Day Overfeeding in Man - Does This Make Yakult(R) the Perfect Tool in Your Bulking Toolbox or is it Just Another Marketing Gag? Find out! |
As Fisberg et al. (2013) highlight in their review of the history of yogurt, this "represents a missed opportunity to contribute to a healthy lifestyle, as yogurt provides a good to excellent source of highly bioavailable protein and an excellent source of calcium as well as a source of probiotics that may provide a range of health benefits" (Fisberg. 2013).
One thing you must not forget, though, is that all the beneficial effects of yogurt and other fermented dairy products can take full effect only if they are integrated into an overall healthy diet. If you do it like my grandma and add one of those overpriced probiotic drinks to your otherwise pro-inflammatory breakfast, you may upset your knowledgeable grandson, but won't do much for your metabolic and overall health | Comment on Facebook!
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- Neyestani, Tirang R., et al. "Improvement of vitamin D status via daily intake of fortified yogurt drink either with or without extra calcium ameliorates systemic inflammatory biomarkers, including adipokines, in the subjects with type 2 diabetes." The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 97.6 (2012): 2005-2011.
- Nikooyeh, Bahareh, et al. "Daily consumption of vitamin D–or vitamin D+ calcium–fortified yogurt drink improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized clinical trial." The American journal of clinical nutrition 93.4 (2011): 764-771.
- O’Connor, Laura M., et al. "Dietary dairy product intake and incident type 2 diabetes: a prospective study using dietary data from a 7-day food diary." Diabetologia 57.5 (2014): 909-917.
- Ortinau, Laura C., et al. "The effects of increased dietary protein yogurt snack in the afternoon on appetite control and eating initiation in healthy women." Nutr J 12.71 (2013): 10-1186.
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