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Ripe or as in this case overripe bananas have little to no starch, green ones almost only starch and only little sucrose / fructose. |
What distinguishes whole grains and co from plain sugar, cornflakes and white bread is that they contain dietary fiber in its non-digestible form that is fermented in the colon, where the production short chain fatty acids (SCFA | learn more) triggers many of the well-established health benefits by direct and indirect effects on the gut-endocrine axis (Topping. 2001).
You can learn more about gut <> health interactions at the SuppVersity
Why is it important to test not just in obese subjects? This is a good question and one that actually touches on (one of) the root cause(s) of the obesity pandemic. For decades, obese individuals have been told to eat like lean people. People of whom scientists observed that they stayed lean and healthy on low(er)-fat, high(er) carbohydrate diets. The consequences were - at least in some cases - literally "fatal." Over the past decade, though, we've seen lean, athletic people make the opposite mistake when they assumed that the same low-to-no-carbohydrate diet and supplements like lipoic acid that help the obese lean out would help them stay lean or become even leaner (learn more). The assumption that diets, supplements and - as in this case - certain dietary nutrients necessarily do the same thing in obese and lean individuals, however, is unwarranted and in many cases simply wrong.
In a more recent study, Guadalupe Jiménez-Domínguez repeated the Ble-Castillo study in a different, more diverse group of subjects: Forty five subjects were screened for obese and lean participants. Anthropometric indexes and basic laboratory examinations were carried out. Participants for the obese group were included if they were healthy persons between 18 and 45 years of age, were obese, and had maintained stable weight during the three months prior to experimentation. Subjects in the normal-weight groups (lean group) were included if they were between 18 and 45 years of age, had 18.5–24.9 BMI values, had [normal fasting glycemia and]HbA1c values [...] and had maintained stable weight during the three months prior to experimentation. Subjects not included in this study were those with a previous diagnosis of diabetes, with fasting glycemia >126 mg/dL (> 7.0 mmol/L) or glycated hemoglobin > 6.5%, with digestive disorders, chronic diseases such as renal or hepatic, being pregnant, under psychiatric treatment, receiving medical or naturist treatment to reduce BW, practicing intense physical activity (> 90 min/week), receiving immuno-suppressants, or with a history of cigarette smoking or alcoholism. Thirty two participants were eligible for the study, 15 for the obese group and 17 for the lean group. However, only 10 subjects in each group completed the whole protocol" (Jiménez-Domínguez . 2015).In said study, the subjects received a higher dose of 38.2 g of native banana starch (NBS) or the same amount of corn starch twice daily yet for only four days, before, on day 5, a 3-h meal tolerance test (MTT) was performed to evaluate the acute effects glucose and insulin responses that may explain the benefits Ble-Castillo et al. had observed (see Figure 2).
"All of the subjects received low-fiber diets at breakfast and lunch from the Nutrition Department’s restaurant during days 1‒4 of the treatment period. The low-fiber diet consisted of avoiding whole-grain/wholemeal breads and cereals, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and of removing the skins from fruit and vegetables" (Jiménez-Domínguez. 2015).All subjects had to stick to the same baseline diet. Adherence to the diet and the randomly assigned supplements,
- the NBS beverage, which contained 38.39 g of NBS, 31.82 g of soy milk, and 240 mL of purified water, and
- the DCS beverage, which contained 38.39 g of DCS, 31.82 g of soy milk, and 240 mL of purified water,
both of which had to be consumed in the fasting state (7:00 A.M.–9:00 A.M.) and before lunch (1:00 P.M.–3:00 P.M.), by counting the unopened sachets, a query regarding the missed servings and daily food records all subjects had to fill everyday before they went to bed.
Against that background it is not too disappointing that the resistant starch did not ameliorate the glucose responses to the test meal. A fact, that should still remind you that you have to watch what you eat - even if you make natural banana starch a regular constituent to your diet. The glucose excursions in response to high glycemic index foods / loads, of which scientists have long been speculating that they may propel the development type II diabetes, are after all at best ameliorated, yet not abolished by an increased intake of resistant starch.
Things may look very different, though if you completely replace "regular" starches with resistant starches. One of the easiest ways to do this may be by buying newly developed "functional" foods like spaghetti that contain 15% or more of their starch content in form of resistant starches from bananas and are still highly palatable (Hernández-Nava. 2009). Alternatively, you may want to check out the various recipes for resistant starches based cookies and other baked goods you can easily find on the Internet if if you google keyworkds like "banan bread", "banana cake", and "banana whatever"; and even though you won't find scientific evidence for the health benefits of each of the recipes, there is evidence for the health benefits of replacing regular starch in common recipes with resistant starches form a handful of proof of concept studies like Aparicio-Saguilan, et al. (2007) | Comment or post your recipes on Facebook!
Things may look very different, though if you completely replace "regular" starches with resistant starches. One of the easiest ways to do this may be by buying newly developed "functional" foods like spaghetti that contain 15% or more of their starch content in form of resistant starches from bananas and are still highly palatable (Hernández-Nava. 2009). Alternatively, you may want to check out the various recipes for resistant starches based cookies and other baked goods you can easily find on the Internet if if you google keyworkds like "banan bread", "banana cake", and "banana whatever"; and even though you won't find scientific evidence for the health benefits of each of the recipes, there is evidence for the health benefits of replacing regular starch in common recipes with resistant starches form a handful of proof of concept studies like Aparicio-Saguilan, et al. (2007) | Comment or post your recipes on Facebook!
- Ble-Castillo, Jorge L., et al. "Effects of native banana starch supplementation on body weight and insulin sensitivity in obese type 2 diabetics." International journal of environmental research and public health 7.5 (2010): 1953-1962.
- Englyst, Hans N., S. M. Kingman, and J. H. Cummings. "Classification and measurement of nutritionally important starch fractions." European journal of clinical nutrition 46 (1992): S33-50.
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- Jiménez-Domínguez, Guadalupe, et al. "Effects of Acute Ingestion of Native Banana Starch on Glycemic Response Evaluated by Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Obese and Lean Subjects." International journal of environmental research and public health 12.7 (2015): 7491-7505.
- Lehmann, Undine, Gisela Jacobasch, and Detlef Schmiedl. "Characterization of resistant starch type III from banana (Musa acuminata)." Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50.18 (2002): 5236-5240.
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- Topping, David L., and Peter M. Clifton. "Short-chain fatty acids and human colonic function: roles of resistant starch and nonstarch polysaccharides." Physiological reviews 81.3 (2001): 1031-1064.