If you believe in what you can read in many articles on strength training, both, training to failure and decreasing rest times / drop sets should significantly increase the muscle activity and thus - this is the most important thing - the number of motor units that are recruited during the exercises.
Want to become stronger, bigger, faster and leaner? Periodize appropriately!
Why is it even important that all muscle fibers contract? The reason should be obvious, but I am happy to explain it once more. It is the contraction that's responsible for the exercise induced increase in GLUT-4 receptor expression and mTOR phosphorylation. In view of the fact that the latter determine the increase in glucose uptake and protein synthesis after a workout, you obviously want as many muscle fibers to contract as possible. Or, to put it differently: If you don't use it you won't grow it, bro... well, at least not to the same / optimal extent.
This is where the "train to failure to maximize motor unit recruitment"-theory comes from. After all, this observation indicates that usually inactive motor units are going to fire only during prolonged training at high intensities (best to failure). As usual, though, there are problems with this theory:"While the increase in EMG amplitude observed during repeated muscle actions has been explained by increased central drive necessary to sustain force as fatigue accumulates, it is inconclusive whether fatigue derived from earlier performed exercise induces greater EMG amplitude during subsequent exercise. Previous studies have shown EMG amplitude diminishes after strenuous resistance exercise protocols. In contrast, Smilios et al. demonstrated progressive increases in EMG amplitude over a series of 20-repetition sets with gradually decreasing resistance interspaced with 2-minute rest periods. Further uncertainly exists pertaining to consecutive maximal effort sets with progressively lighter resistance performed without allotted rest periods. This frequently incorporated training technique, commonly known as a “drop set”, has remained relatively uninvestigated" (Looney. 2015).Needless to say that we all expect that lighter weights can stimulate greater motor unit recruitment, if you use them in dropsets, but as Looney et al. say, the science that would conclusively confirm that is simply not there (yet). The goals of Looney's study were thus as follows:
- Firstly, confirm / refute the assumption that EMG amplitude would be significantly greater in light resistance exercise (50% 1RM) performed in rested conditions to a maximal number of repetitions than to a submaximal number of repetitions.
- Secondly, assess whether the EMG amplitude would be significantly lower in maximal repetition sets performed in rested conditions with 50% 1RM resistance than with heavy resistance (90% 1RM).
- Thirdly, test whether the EMG amplitude would be greater in maximal repetition 50% 1RM resistance sets performed in pre-fatigued conditions (no prior rest period) than in rested conditions.
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If you don't do them as an intensity add-on / finisher don't do partial reps at all - "Full Rom, Full Gains" | more |
- A drop set day, on which he subjects performed three consecutive maximal repetition sets at 90%, 70%, and 50% 1RM to failure with no rest periods in between.
- A single set day, on which the subjects performed a maximal repetition set at 50% 1RM to failure (no "dropping" involved).
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Figure 2: Very general summary of the research interests and designs of the two studies discussed in today's SuppVersity article by Looney et al. (2015) and Hiscock et al. (2015) |
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Figure 4: Mean number of repetitions (left, top), rate of perceived exertion (RPE | left, bottom), and peak EMG amplitude as a measure of motor recruitment (Looney. 2015). |
- 3 sets × 8 repetitions × 120 s recovery between sets;
- 3 sets × 8 repetitions × 240 s recovery;
- 3 sets × maximum number of repetitions (MNR) × 120 s recovery;
- 3 sets × MNR × 240 s recovery.
So what's the significance of the results, then? If you put some faith into Looney's conclusion, it is that the results of his (and I may add Hiscock's study, too) confirm "previous recommendations for the use of heavier loads during resistance training programs to stimulate the maximal development of strength and hypertrophy" (Looney. 2015).
Reducing the load and training to failure (Looney's "single set" day) or reducing the rest times and or switching from a set rep number to training to failure (Hiscock's groups A-D), on the other hand, has no effect on motor recruitment and could, in view of potentially increased recovery times due to higher rates of perceived exertion w/ training to failure, rather hinder than facilitate rapid strength and size gains. Whether the same is the case for the drop-set, though, is not 100% clear. With the peak muscle activity occurring in the first set, you cannot argue that the stimulus was weakened. On the other hand, there's a proven reduction in total volume (reps x weight | Melibeu Bentes. 2012) of which long-term studies would have to investigate whether the can impair your strength and size gains.
Overall, there is still little doubt that the results of the two studies I discussed today support the notion that "going heavy" is still the way to activate a maximal number of muscle fibers. Whether this does also mean that it is necessarily the best way to make those fibers grow and or increase their glucose uptake, however, is still not fully proven. The same goes for the usefulness of training to failure, of which some studies suggest that failure does not matter, while others appear to indicate that "failing" is almost necessary to maximize your gains - as usual, I've written about both of them and will continue to do so in the future, so stay tuned if you want to be among the first to learn what works best for strength and hypertrophy training ;-) | Comment on Facebook!
References:![]() |
SuppVersity Suggested Topical Article: "Failure, a Necessary Prerequisite for Max. Muscle Growth & Strength Gains? Another Study Says 'No Need to Fail, Bro!'" | read more |
Overall, there is still little doubt that the results of the two studies I discussed today support the notion that "going heavy" is still the way to activate a maximal number of muscle fibers. Whether this does also mean that it is necessarily the best way to make those fibers grow and or increase their glucose uptake, however, is still not fully proven. The same goes for the usefulness of training to failure, of which some studies suggest that failure does not matter, while others appear to indicate that "failing" is almost necessary to maximize your gains - as usual, I've written about both of them and will continue to do so in the future, so stay tuned if you want to be among the first to learn what works best for strength and hypertrophy training ;-) | Comment on Facebook!
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