As Meijer et al. point out in the introduction to their soon-to-be-published paper in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Experimental Physiology, the performance of a power athlete is largely determined by two traits: the maximal force and power generating capacity of the recruited muscles, and the ability to maintain force and power for a prolonged period of high intensity efforts.
Want to get stronger, bigger, faster and leaner? Periodize appropriately!
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Myostatin Limits Muscle Hypertrophy in Everyone! Even Normal Gymrats May Benefit from Blockers, if any of them Actually Worked Learn more! |
It is thus only logical that studies on myostatin negative animals show that limit the amount of hypertrophy beyond which it becomes disadvantageous for sustainable power (learn more). Weak big, vs. small(er), yet strong muscles. That sounds like powerlifting vs. bodybuilding, right?
learn more).
Accordingly, on single fiber basis, the power generating capacity of a body builder (BB) is not only lower than that of a powerlifter, it's actually not even higher than that of an untrained individual (C) - and that despite the fact that the individual muscle fibers are significantly larger. As the authors further explain, "[t]his unexpected observation was explicable by a lower fiber specific tension in BB compared to C fibres". In this context it is important to point out that the C and PA group in the study at hand performed a comparable, albeit relatively low amount of aerobic exercise, it is thus "likely that the effects shown in PA can be attributed to the high-intensity low-volume resistance training," (ibid.), alone.
Well, that's obviously what Meijer et al. thought, as well, when they phrased the following hypotheses about the way the muscle fiber specific tension (F0) of 12 male bodybuilders (BB | BB: 29.8 ± 4.8y; 177.8 ± 4.1 cm; 91.7 ± 13.4 kg), 6 male powerlifters / power athlete (PA | 23.4 ± 3.9 y; 185.0 ± 4.3 cm; 103.0 ± 7.3 kg) and 14 non-competitive / weight lifting controls (C | 24.0 ± 3.5 y; 180.9 ± 5.3 cm; 77.9 ± 6.3 kg) differ in the introduction to their latest paper:Accordingly, on single fiber basis, the power generating capacity of a body builder (BB) is not only lower than that of a powerlifter, it's actually not even higher than that of an untrained individual (C) - and that despite the fact that the individual muscle fibers are significantly larger. As the authors further explain, "[t]his unexpected observation was explicable by a lower fiber specific tension in BB compared to C fibres". In this context it is important to point out that the C and PA group in the study at hand performed a comparable, albeit relatively low amount of aerobic exercise, it is thus "likely that the effects shown in PA can be attributed to the high-intensity low-volume resistance training," (ibid.), alone.
"PAs is characterized by high-intensity low-volume resistance training with supplemental aerobic exercise. Since BBs train for bulk and PAs for function we hypothesize that fibres from PAs will have a higher specific power and F0 than those from BBs. We expect an increase in specific power and F0 in PAs and BBs (for BBs especially in type II fibres) compared to C." (Meijer. 2015).To test whether this hypothesis is correct, the researchers compared muscle fibre contractile properties of biopsies taken from m. vastus lateralis of 12 bodybuilders (BB; low- to moderate-intensity high-volume resistance training), 6 power athletes (PA; high-intensity low-volume combined with aerobic training) and 14 controls (C). To do that you have to take samples from the muscle and test the maximal isotonic contractions on a single muscle fibre in vitro.
- BBS have larger muscle fibers (unsurprising) - The fibre cross-sectional area (FCSA) was 67% and 88% (P<0.01) larger in BB than in PA and C, respectively.
- There's no difference in fiber size between C and PA (surprising?) - Unlike the difference between bodybuilders, power athletes and control, the existing difference in fiber size between PA and C did not reach statistical significance.
- BB and PA fibres are stronger (unsurprsing) - BB and PA fibers developed a higher maximal isometric tensions (32%, 50%, P < 0.01) than those of C.
- BB & C fibers are significantly weaker than PA fibers (unsurprising) - The specific tension (F0) of BB fibres was 62% and 41% lower than that of PA and C fibres (P < 0.05), respectively.
- The increased peak power of PA fibres was not related to fibre type (surprising) - Irrespective of fibre type, peak power (P) of PA fibres was 58% higher than that of BB fibres (P < 0.05), while BB fibres –despite considerable hypertrophy- had similar PP as C fibres.
Sedentary Individuals, Endurance & Strength Athletes: Their Fitness, Training & Hormones and How They Effect the Ratio of Fast- to Slow-Twitch Fibers | learn more. |
Since the former is a completely novel result, we can only speculate about the underlying mechanism. Meijer et al. "postulate that the decrease in specific tension is caused by differences in myofibrillar density and/or post-translational modifications of contractile proteins" (Meijer. 2015).
That's obviously a very unspecific hypothesis that warrants further investigation and elaboration in future studies; not just to confirm it, but also to elucidate (a) the time it takes for these changes to take place and (b) whether they are reversible by (1) changing the way you train (2) staying away from the gym, altogether | Comment on Facebook!
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- Meijer et al. "Single muscle fibre contractile properties differ between bodybuilders, power athletes and controls." Experimental Physiology (2015): Accepted article.
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