How Much Cardio Messes W/ Your Weight Training Results Depends on Recovery...
Who would have thought that? After dozens of contradictory and highly inconclusive studies, this could finally be the one study designed to yield the answers to many of our questions about the effects...
View ArticleFood is Medicine: Each 10g Fiber Reduce Mortality Risk by up to 34%! Phenols...
Hippocrates says: "Let food be thy medicine!" And he was right. Tons of food contain substances that would make pharmacologist proud and filthy rich if he invented and patented them."Let food be thy...
View ArticleHigh Fructose Consumption, Inflammation Up, LDL/HDL Ratio Down - Is That Good...
Remember: If anything fructose from beverages (including juices), yet not fructose from whole fruit is a problem. In fact eating whole fruits will decrease your blood lipids and high sensitivity C...
View ArticleFive Good Reasons Why At Least 50% of Your 2015 'Cardio' Training Should Be...
Remember: HIIT does not have to happen on the treadmill.If you haven't already done so, I suppose you are currently revising last year's training regimen: Reviewing what worked and what didn't work;...
View ArticleReader Question: Are Black Seeds (Nigella Sativa), Their Oil, Ointments &...
Nigella sativa is available in form of seeds, oils and all sorts of ointments and for many of them there are studies suggesting that they work.SuppVersity reader Amaan Mueen asks on Facebook: "In...
View ArticlePseudo-Low Carb Diet With Low Fat (55g/d) Content Sheds 0.5kg/Week W/Out...
If you stick to the information in the abstract it sounds like a "low carb" diet intervention. Don't be fooled!I am not a low carb enthusiast, but I don't close my eyes to the proven benefits the...
View ArticleExercise Research Update: Sprints for Endurance Athletes, Bench vs....
If you want the latest in strength and conditioning research, today's SuppVersity article is for you!I am not sure if you are following belong to the readership of the Journal of Strength &...
View ArticleLet There Be Light: 10 New Studies to Enlighten You About the Health Effects...
No, the sun does not kill you. If you control your exposure it may extend your life and improve your life-quality significantly.It's about time to "let there be light" to illuminate the benefits of...
View ArticleHigh Protein Diet & Weight Maintenance - Same or Different Benefits? High...
Scientists ask: High protein for weight loss only or also during maintenance phases?"Relatively high-protein diets are effective for body weight loss, and subsequent weight maintenance," that's the...
View ArticleWorking Out 45 Min After Dinner Improves Post-Meal Blood Glucose & Trigs More...
Resistance training alone won't make up for a sloppy diet - no matter if you do it before or after meals.I am not sure how feasible this is going to be for you, but if you are a type II diabetic or...
View ArticleExercise Ups Your Antibacterial Defenses, Kettlebells Boost VO2, Medicine...
If you are a handball player or someone else who "throws", you can consider medicine ball training an effective means to increase your throwing velocity.Since the last edition of the short news...
View ArticleAlternate Day Fasting: High or Low Fat Intake on Fasting Days? The Answer May...
Study suggests: Your goals may determine whether a low or high fat diet is the better base for alternate day fasting.The beginning of a year is usually the time even SuppVersity readers begin to...
View ArticleLeucine Inhibits Nitric Oxide & Beneficial Effects of Cardio Training on...
Pre-, Post and Intra-workout supplements are a multi-million dollar business. But are the products at least half as effective as the shiny advertisements claim?Let me guess, the actual reason you want...
View ArticleRevisiting Caffeine + Lactate - In Combination They May be Powerful Muscle...
High intensity training builds muscle and maximizes lactate build up. Caffeine helps you to train at maximal intensities. Correct, but there appears to be a more direct link between lactate...
View ArticlePrevalent Nutrient Deficiencies in the US: More Than 40% are Vitamin A, C, D...
Choline, fiber, potassium, this meal has everything US citizens don't eat.The latest re-examination of data from the 2001-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) reveals: " A...
View ArticleStudy Underlines Real World Benefits of 2g/day of Ginger for Type II...
If you don't have ginger powder, just shred a fresh rhizome. That's by the way what the researchers did, as well.Yeah, we all know "Ginger is good for your glucose metabolism". We all know "there are...
View ArticleNo Reduction in Protein Synthesis W/ Concomitant Training Involving HIIT...
The results of the study and hand strongly suggest, but don't finally prove that a brief leg-focused HIIT like spinning will not impair your biceps gains even if it's done immediately before weight...
View ArticleGrowth Hormone & GHRH Eliminate Body Fat in the Obese: Up to 23% Subcutaneous...
GHRH analogues like tesamorelin trigger the release of growth hormone.Beyond its effects on bone growth and musculoskeletal anabolism, growth hormone (GH) plays in important role in the regulation of...
View ArticleHigh or Low Intensity Running - What's Better for the Heart of Untrained Men,...
It takes some effort to avoid making the transition from the sofa to the ICU.What's better for heart disease protection - high or medium intensity exercise as it is still prescribed by the majority of...
View ArticleLooking for Supplements to Fire Up Your Fat Loss? Caffeine Mixed W/ Green Tea...
Caffeine + catechines - the CC fat loss stack is the best we've left.I know people often laugh, when they realize that "Fatburner X" contains mostly caffeine, but if you look at the research that's out...
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