Slow Down to Build Up? 4x Higher Growth Hormone After Slow (4s) Eccentric...
Fast or slow for eccentric biceps curls? Is that a question of faith or can science provide us with an adequate answer?"What the ****? Training slow is for pussies!"Ok, admittedly the subjects in the...
View ArticleScience Round-Up Seconds: The "Pro-Insulinogenic" Effects of Non-Nutritive...
Would having your coffee with splenda instead of sugar make this cookie even more hazardous for your glucose metabolism and what about your waistline?If you've listened to yesterday's installment of...
View ArticleUp Your Coffee Intake & The Temperature of Your Baths to Get in Shape; Up...
Ice cold baths are retarded. A cosy hot tub and a cup of coffee make a way better peak conditioning strategy.+38% that's the SuppVersity Figure of the Week and it is the fat liberating advantage of the...
View ArticleOvertraining, Undereating & Self-Inflicted Hypothyrodism: Thresholds for Low...
This is not a "woman thing" only and your T3 levels are not the only thing that's going to "fall flat" if you starve yourself through your workouts! Yep, low libido => low total testosterone =>...
View ArticleBeyond Testosterone: 200mg/day of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia) for...
It does not always take a pill to effectively manage your stress levels. Don't forget to take your well-deserved timeouts - from work and workouts and use a hot bath to "pre-regenerate" (learn...
View ArticleTriple Your Energy Expenditure During Shuttle Runs + Learn Why Intensity and...
The shorter the distances between the cones on a shuttle run the greater the energy expenditure per meter you are sprinting - in fact the amount of energy you will burn on a 10m run is 3.5x higher than...
View ArticleRamadan Improves Body Composition of Young & Older Men, Young Women Don't...
It may not be "paleo conform", there but the traditional Ramadan menu is 100% home-made from fresh foods - that alone will make a huge difference."I hear you..." What's that supposed to mean? Well, in...
View ArticleSerum & Intramuscular Testosterone, DHT and Androgen Receptor Response to...
Another set for another ng of testosterone? Does it work that way and is it worth it - not just on paper, but in terms of real gains?I know that we don't know! And among the many things we don't know...
View ArticleScience Round-Up Seconds: NAC Reduces Inflammation, Muscle Injury & Cytokine...
Inflammatory cytokines won't build muscle, but without them your body won't notice that it's time to adapt.As a SuppVersity student and listener of the SuppVersity Science Round-Up on Super Human...
View ArticleYour Body Knows How Much It Needs: Muscle & Activity Increase, Being Fat...
It does not always have to be the beach. There are other places to relax and enjoy the summer. And let's be honest anything is better than your computer screen, no?Alright, we are in for a regular...
View ArticleCaffeine - 3mg, 6mg or 9mg/kg? What's the Optimal Dosage for Lifting & HIT...
Wouldn't a single 200mg caffeine be enough to elicit the desired ergogenic effects without side effect like increased urination, headaches and muscle aches on the day after?Caffeine is not only the...
View ArticleIntra-Set Rest Periods Boost Power (+38%) & Strength Gains (+65%) Without...
Up your strength /check! Up your power /check! Up your muscle gains in the long term /likely!Intra-Set Rest Periods? No, that's not identical to "clustering" or "cluster training", although it may...
View ArticleGlucose vs. Fructose and Their Effects on Glucose, Insulin & Fat Oxidation in...
"Fructose handles"? "Glucose handles"? "Saturated fat handles"? No, just the net result of a trashy diet.I don't have to tell you that I don't buy into the "fructose is the devil" hysteria that's...
View ArticleNutrigenomics - "Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food." An...
Researchers working in the field of nutrigenomics prioritize berries over pills and individuality over "one-size-fits-it-all approaches" - can they also tell us how to "eat away cancer"?"Live longer,...
View ArticleThe Obesity Paradox, a Fat White Lie: A Longer Life for the Obese Is Nothing...
"But Dr. the TV guy said, I would live longer than my normal weight cousin."I guess, you will be familiar with the therm "obesity paradox". A term coined by researchers and picked up by the media to...
View ArticleBulking Done Right: What Can the Latest 100 Day +1,000 Kcal/day Overfeeding...
Bulking!? What is it that will keep the veins popping, the waist circumference level and your muscle growing? It is your basal metabolic rate? Your body fat level? Your muscle mass? Your fiber type...
View ArticleYerba Mate, Yohimbine & Yucca - Potent Fat or Unhealthy Money Burners? Tea...
Are you living in one of the hotspots of diabesity and laziness? Check out the map in the bottom right of my little collage and find out what the CDC data from 2008 can tell you about the regional...
View ArticleA Low Fat Advantage For Alternate Day Fasting? While the Improvements in Body...
If I know anything for sure, it is that the reason your midsection does not look like this, but rather like the one of Melissa McCarthy is not a result of the fact that your diet contains 24% instead...
View ArticleDon't Want to Become Bulky, Just Toned & Strong? Look No Further! A Basic...
Basic weight training to get toned, or hours of cardio in the evening and cotton balls a la pret-a-porter for launch, you got the choice. A choice between health and happiness and chronic fatigue and...
View ArticleWant to Benefit from Plant Sterols? Eat Whole Food or Take Supplements With...
This is not a joke by a blogger this is how Unilever advocates to use their Flora product to consumers, who "want to lower your cholesterol and follow a healthy diet and lifestyle."Pharma...
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